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Bösch 41
CH-6331 Hünenberg
041 (0)41 780 40 58


Clamps to reduce reed curvature 

October 2023

Without splitting the cane, the clamp reduces its curvature. 


* Before scraping with the Bucher profiling machine: if the cane is too curved and does not fit sufficiently the tongue. 
* For the scraped reed: to reduce the tension during playing it in.


cor anglais

for oboe and oboe d‘amore
for cor anglais and baroque oboe



Hard metal knife

 April 2020

For BUCHER tip profiling machine for bassoon
For BUCHER profiling machine for oboe

Many more reeds can be scraped than with the previous one since it hardly wears off.

Bassoon: new correction template

January 2020


channels (more flexibility by omitting the center and the sides)


Extension of the system for reeds for historical bassoons and contrabassoon


After a little conversion of the Bucher tip profiling machine - with exchange of the main axis - you can scrape in highest quality the reeds for historical bassoons and contrabassoon. Maximum width of the scrape 20mm, length of the scrape up to 28mm.

FEEDBACK: Bernhard Straub, hr Sinfonieorchester Frankfurt am Main


Mit der System-Erweiterung für Kontrafagott wird die Bucher-Fagotthobelmaschine zum unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für jeden professionellen Kontrafagottisten.
Niemals zuvor war es möglich, in kürzester Zeit Kontrafagottrohre von solch hoher Qualität herzustellen. Durch die bereits vom Fagotthobel bekannte einfache Verstellung der Schabetiefe und die lange Hobelbahn ist die graduelle Anpassung an Holzqualität und -härte völlig unproblematisch. Die präzise gearbeiteten Rohre zeichnen sich durch außerordentliche Stabilität, großen Dynamikumfang, Ansprache in allen Lagen und Tonschönheit aus. Der Umbau von Fagott auf Kontrafagott ist dank der guten bebilderten Beschreibung und der hohen Präzision der Teile unproblematisch und schnell erledigt.



Die C-002 Matrize ist eine wunderbare Ergänzung zum neuentwickelndem "Kronwalt" Kontrafagott. Mit dieser Matrize gelingen auf Anhieb Rohre, welche die Stärken des Instruments in hervorragender Weise zur Geltung bringen.
Mittlerweile hat sich auch das Hartmetall Messer als unverzichtbar erwiesen. Haltbarkeit und Präzision sind ausgezeichnet und tragen somit zu einer dauerhaft gleichbleibenden Qualität der Rohre bei.

Standard template model "Clara Dent"
Template with short, sharply defined attack (obtuse angle) and fine center crest, dark sound, flexible attack.

Additional original segment: „dolce“  (September 2016)
Compared to the original segment „Clara Dent“, centre crest becoming thinner towards the tip and thinner areas of the edges. Result : bigger flexibility and softer attack but also lower stability.

The template includes the following segments:         


Bucher automatic unit for oboe reeds
Bucher automatic unit for bassoon reeds


Let the automatic unit do all the scraping work for your oboe- or bassoon reed.




Without your help, the machine will scrape the reed
The automatic unit stops when the scraping is finished
Regular coordinated movements of the axis and the sledge give highest exactness and smoothness of the scrape
All adjustment facilities of the manual operation are available


Bucher Tip profiling machine for bassoon reeds


The Bucher tip profiling machine for bassoon stands out with the same qualities known from the Bucher profiling machine for all types of oboes.

Maximal length of the scrape: 28mm

Both in the high and low registers the reeds have a better response and allow for more dynamic.


New standard template

October 2013

Cor anglais E-004

Center crest and clearly standing out attack (obtuse angle);
soft and dark sound, big flexibility

Templates: new correction segment

October 2013


for all the scrape, except the center crest



for the tip in the shape of an obtuse angle


Templates: new segments

September 2012



Is based on the original. The heart is marked, the increase more accentuated, especially in the central and lateral areas. The base of the scrape is about 3 hundredths of millimetres thicker than the original.



Is based on the original. The increase is less accentuated, especially in the central and lateral areas. The base of the scrape is about 3 hundredths of millimetres thinner than the original.


the tip in an arched shape



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